Saturday, October 13, 2007


特首: It can, it can, if we go to the extreme, people go to the extreme, and you have a cultural revolution, for instance, in China. When people take everything into their hands, then you cannot govern the place. And eh, the similar thing is...for instance...

主持人: But Cultural Revolution wasn't really an extreme example of democracy.

特首: What is it? People taking power into their own hands! Now, this is what it means by democracy, if you take it to the full swing. In other democracies, even if you have an elected  person, then you overturn the policy in California, for instance, you have initiative number, number, number what, then you overturn policy taken by the government, that's not necessarily conducive to efficient government.


細閱全文,爵士之低能有二。第一個主持都好心提醒你,你還要把錯的東西搞到底。第二,你擦鞋都用錯鞋油,真是抵死:先是你用崩口碗擦崩口人的鞋,真是思覺失調乎?其次是,老毛的中共遺教是奉行「人民民主專政」,原則上人民真的「taking power into their own hands」,在老毛眼中是民主的「full swing」。直至今天所行的甚麼「人大會議」「政協」等等就是這種「人民民主專政」的體現;你連本朝政典都不曉,就當官?

爵士,還是你看主子的「full swing」民主專政不順眼嗎?你想用流利的英文,婉轉地表達你反黨的立場?

我有個朋友講得好,有立場唔緊要,最緊要你條道理要講得通,要make sense。

1 comment:

新鮮人 said...
